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* A daemon process that will import and keep bills up to date
* @package LegiScan\Utility
* @author LegiScan API Team <api@legiscan.com>
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-2-Clause
* @copyright 2010-2020 LegiScan LLC
* @link https://legiscan.com/datasets
// I say thee nay!
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.4.0') < 0)
die('PHP 5.4.0 or higher is required');
// Include the LegiScan API Client
// {{{ LegiScan_Worker Class
* A daemon process that will import and keep bills up to date
* The `legiscand.php` script provides a daemon process that can use four
* different methods, controlled by the `update_type` setting, to keep a
* local database synchronized via LegiScan Pull API.
* ## Monitor
* This mode will use the `ls_monitor` table to keep a specific `bill_id`
* list updated. This list can be managed with `legiscan-cli.php`, though
* determining the `bill_id` is an exercise for the reader and would
* require additional scripting, though a likely source would be through
* the search engine.
* <code>
* php legiscan-cli.php --monitor 823882
* php legiscan-cli.php --unmonitor 823882
* </code>
* ## State
* This mode will synchronize the entire master list from one or more
* states. To set the state list edit `config.php` and add each state
* to the `states[]` setting.
* For example to track all legislation in California and US Congress:
* <code>
* states[] = CA
* states[] = US
* </code>
* __NOTE__: It is *HIGHLY* recommended pre-loading the current state
* [datasets](https://api.legiscan.com/dl) with `legiscan-bulk.php` prior
* to the first run to minimize the on-boarding queries.
* ## Search (National)
* This mode will synchronize the results of searches ran against the
* national database. To specify the searches edit the `config.php`
* and add each search to the `searches[]` setting.
* The searches will also be filtered by the global `relevance` cutoff
* setting, which can be overridden on a per search basis by prepending
* a different score and the pipe `|` character. In addition a `state`
* abbreviations can also be prefixed to override either national or
* state search. When used with a `relevance` override the `state`
* should appear first separated by a comma `,`.
* Also notice that the entire search string should be quoted, and any
* internal quotes should be escaped as `\"`.
* <code>
* searches[] = "gender AND bathroom"
* searches[] = "\"national popular vote\""
* searches[] = "42|hemp OR cannabis OR marijuana"
* searches[] = "NY|charter ADJ schools"
* searches[] = "CA,60|vaccination AND status:passed"
* </code>
* ## State Search
* This mode combines both of the other methods such that the
* `searches[]` are only ran against the `states[]` list,
* unless a search specific `state` is used.
* @see LegiScan_Process
* @see LegiScan_Pull
* @link https://api.legiscan.com/dl/
class LegiScan_Worker
* Worker loop that generates a bill_id list then imports / updates
* via {@link LegiScan_Pull::importBillList}
* @param integer $daemon
* If non-zero the worker will loop forever
function worker($daemon)
try {
// Create an instance to generate pull requests
$legiscan = new LegiScan_Pull();
// Create an instance to write to database
$logic = new LegiScan_Process();
// Grab a handle to the database
$db = $logic->getDB();
// {{{ Check and validate config
$error_msg = '';
$update_type = strtolower(LegiScan::getConfig('update_type'));
$states = LegiScan::getConfig('states');
$searches = LegiScan::getConfig('searches');
$interval = LegiScan::getConfig('interval', 3600);
$default_relevance = (int) LegiScan::getConfig('relevance', 50);
$ignore_table = (bool) LegiScan::getConfig('use_ignore_table');
$valid_types = array('monitored','state','search','state_search');
if (!$update_type)
$error_msg .= "Configuration value update_type is missing\n";
elseif (!in_array($update_type, $valid_types))
$error_msg .= "Invalid configuration value for update_type $update_type\n";
if (!$default_relevance || !($default_relevance >= 0 && $default_relevance <= 100))
$error_msg .= "Invalid configuration value for default_relevance $default_relevance\n";
// At some point it would be better to run from cron...
if ($interval < 3600) $interval = 3600;
if ($interval > 86400) $interval = 86400;
if ($error_msg)
$msg = "Invalid Configuration\n\n$error_msg\nExiting\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail("LegiScan Daemon Error", $msg);
// }}}
// Reset the missing list and checked count each loop
$checked = 0;
// Build ignore list every run
$ignore_list = array();
if ($ignore_table)
$stmt = $db->prepare("SELECT bill_id FROM ls_ignore");
while ($r = $stmt->fetch())
$ignore_list[] = $r['bill_id'];
LegiScan::fileLog("LegiScanD starting $update_type update run");
// {{{ Make a bill_id request list
switch ($update_type)
// Specific bill_id list form ls_monitor table
case 'monitored':
$monitor_list = array();
// Use state_abbr to tie getMasterListRaw to "current" session to
// handle unmanaged ls_monitor entries for past sessions
$sql = "SELECT m.bill_id, s.state_abbr
FROM ls_monitor m
INNER JOIN ls_bill b ON m.bill_id = b.bill_id
INNER JOIN ls_state s ON b.state_id = s.state_id
ORDER BY s.state_id, m.bill_id";
$rs = $db->query($sql);
while ($r = $rs->fetch())
$monitor_list[$r['state_abbr']][$r['bill_id']] = 1;
foreach (array_keys($monitor_list) as $state)
// Get current master list for $state
$resp = $legiscan->getMasterListRaw($state);
if ($resp['status'] == LegiScan::API_OK)
$session = array_shift($resp['masterlist']);
foreach ($resp['masterlist'] as $bill)
// Compare master list to monitor list
if (isset($monitor_list[$state][$bill['bill_id']]))
$sql = "SELECT bill_id
FROM ls_bill
WHERE bill_id = :bill_id AND change_hash = :change_hash";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':bill_id', $bill['bill_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':change_hash', $bill['change_hash'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$exists = $stmt->fetchColumn();
if (!$exists && !in_array($bill['bill_id'], $ignore_list))
$logic->request('bills', $bill['bill_id']);
// State full replication
case 'state':
if (in_array('all', $states))
$states = array();
$state_list = $logic->getStateList();
foreach ($state_list as $state)
$states[] = $state['state_abbr'];
foreach ($states as $state)
// Normally this would be a session_id, however this short cut
// will mean the system always tracks "current" session
$resp = $legiscan->getMasterListRaw($state);
if ($resp['status'] == LegiScan::API_OK)
$session = array_shift($resp['masterlist']);
foreach ($resp['masterlist'] as $bill)
$sql = "SELECT bill_id
FROM ls_bill
WHERE bill_id = :bill_id AND change_hash = :change_hash";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':bill_id', $bill['bill_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':change_hash', $bill['change_hash'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$exists = $stmt->fetchColumn();
if (!$exists && !in_array($bill['bill_id'], $ignore_list))
$logic->request('bills', $bill['bill_id']);
// National searches
case 'search':
// To avoid largely duplicating code we reset the states
// array to ALL for update_type=search and fall through
// to the state_search code
$states = array('ALL');
// State searches
case 'state_search':
foreach ($states as $state)
foreach ($searches as $search)
$relevance = $default_relevance;
$exhausted = false;
$page = 1;
// Never trust whitespace
$search = trim($search);
// Check for a state override and tidy up search string
if (preg_match('#^([A-Z]{2})(\s*,\s*\d+)?\s*(\|.+)#i', $search, $m))
$state = strtoupper($m[1]);
$search = ltrim(ltrim(str_replace(' ', '', $m[2]), ',') . $m[3], '|');
// Check for a relevance override and tidy up search string
if (preg_match('#^(\d+)\s*\|\s*(.*)#', $search, $m))
$relevance = (int) $m[1];
$search = $m[2];
// Drop any remaining whitespace
$search = trim($search);
// Use searchRaw to get 2000 results at a time since we only care
// about relevance, bill_id and change_hash
$params = array(
'state' => $state,
'query' => $search,
'page' => $page,
$resp = $legiscan->getSearchRaw($params);
if ($resp['status'] == LegiScan::API_OK && $resp['searchresult']['summary']['count'] > 0)
$summary = $resp['searchresult']['summary'];
foreach ($resp['searchresult']['results'] as $result)
if ($result['relevance'] > $relevance)
$sql = "SELECT bill_id
FROM ls_bill
WHERE bill_id = :bill_id AND change_hash = :change_hash";
$stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
$stmt->bindValue(':bill_id', $result['bill_id'], PDO::PARAM_INT);
$stmt->bindValue(':change_hash', $result['change_hash'], PDO::PARAM_STR);
$exists = $stmt->fetchColumn();
if (!$exists && !in_array($result['bill_id'], $ignore_list))
$logic->request('bills', $result['bill_id']);
$exhausted = true;
// More pages or exhausted?
if ($summary['page_total'] > $page)
$exhausted = true;
// Bad status or 0 count in results
$exhausted = true;
} while (!$exhausted);
// }}}
// Did we find any bills that were missing / changed
$missing = $logic->getMissing();
$cnt = isset($missing['bills']) ? count($missing['bills']) : 0;
LegiScan::fileLog("LegiScanD found $cnt / $checked bills to process");
// Do the thing!
if (!empty($missing['bills']))
$legiscan->importBillList($missing['bills'], $logic);
LegiScan::fileLog("LegiScanD processing complete");
// From the public pull perspective there are intrinsic cache delays
// so we take a nice long nap until its time to make the donuts again
if ($daemon)
} while ($daemon);
} catch (APIException $e) {
$msg = 'API Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . basename($e->getFile()) . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail('LegiScan Daemon Error', $msg);
} catch (APIAccessException $e) {
$msg = 'API Access: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . basename($e->getFile()) . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail('LegiScan Daemon Error', $msg);
} catch (APIStatusException $e) {
$msg = 'API Status: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . basename($e->getFile()) . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail('LegiScan Daemon Error', $msg);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
$msg = 'Database Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . basename($e->getFile()) . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail('LegiScan Daemon Error', $msg);
} catch (Exception $e) {
$msg = 'LegiScan Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . ' in ' . basename($e->getFile()) . ' on line ' . $e->getLine() . "\n";
echo $msg;
LegiScan::sendMail('LegiScan Daemon Error', $msg);
// }}}
// Sort out the command line options
$options = array(
$daemon = 0;
if (legiscan_option('daemon'))
$daemon = 42; // just 'cause
$worker = new LegiScan_Worker();