2022-01-14 12:00 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.4.1 * LegiScan.php: fix loadBill() to correctly populate bill struct for the *_size/*_hash values 2021-12-31 13:37 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.4.0 * LegiScan.php: Add getMonitorList(), setMonitor() for new API hooks interacting with GAITS tracking list, add processMonitorList() to keep local data in parity with the GAITS monitoring list, add middleware signal in processBill() for session changes with exposed prefile, sine_die and prior flags, add support for "referrals" for historical list of committees a bill has been referred to over its lifetime, add prefer_pdf support to getBillText(), getAmendment() and getSupplement() hooks, add local_fragment for document tables to store the pathname of the document under the local filesystem doc_dir folder for easier fetching, add *_size/*_hash value for text, amendment and supplements, search functions now use getSearch & getSearchRaw since search/searchRaw is deprecated, add support for stance (watch, support, oppose) in monitor() * config.dist.php: Add prefer_pdf variable to prefer the PDF version of a document when multiple formats exist for a single getBillText, getAmendment, or getSupplement object; if a PDF version does not exist an alternate format such as HTML will be returned instead; fix typo massage_date -> massage_dates for Postgres/MSSQL * legiscan-cli.php: Add --monitorlist for new hooks along with --monitor --ignore, add --sync to synchronize monitor list changes with GAITS tracking, add --stance for monitor list, add tables to --reset-db * upgrade.php: Script that will update existing database installation between releases by running `php upgrade.php` * Schema: Add local_fragment *_size/*_hash for amendment, supplement and text tables, add ls_bill_referral for referral chains, add ls_variable table, add session_tag to ls_session along with prefile, sine_die, and prior flags, expand the ls_mime_type list, add '0' for ls_progress completeness, add stance to ls_monitor along with ls_stance lookup, add views for useful joins: lsv_bill, lsv_bill_amendment, lsv_bill_calendar, lsv_bill_history, lsv_bill_referral, lsv_bill_sast, lsv_bill_sponsor, lsv_bill_subject, lsv_bill_supplement, lsv_bill_text, lsv_bill_vote, lsv_bill_vote_detail; changed indexing on ls_bill_sast, ls_bill_subject, and ls_bill_vote_detail, add sast_bill_number to ls_bill_sast 2020-11-13 15:21 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.3.2 * LegiScan.php: Fix deprecated curly brace string offset since PHP 7.4 finally complains about it * Schema: Correct a typo in the the ls_session table definition 2020-08-27 15:15 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.3.1 * LegiScan.php: Add knowwho_pid to processPerson() and processBill(), keep the import_hash/import_date properly updated when using importDataset(), explicitly handle sqlsrv with massage_dates, processed flag in ls_signal supports values >= 1, enforce local cache lifetimes in apiRequest() to match API Operations Frequency guidelines for Pull * legiscan-cli.php: Add --reset-db option to truncate and reset database to clean install state * Schema: Add knowwho_pid to ls_people as third party identifier 2020-01-20 03:14 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.3.0 * LegiScan.php: Add getMasterListRaw(), getSearchRaw(), getSessionPeople(), getSponsoredList() to LegiScan_Pull for new API hooks * legiscan-cli.php: Use the new getMasterListRaw and getSearchRaw * legiscand.php: Use the new getMasterListRaw and getSearchRaw * General: Documentation updates and clarifications 2019-01-01 14:20 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.2.0 * config.dist.php: Add massage_dates and years[] variables * legiscan-bulk.php: Rewrite to utilize getDatasetList and getDataset for updates * legiscand.php: Fix a bug in search based synchronizing that would cause the import to fail * legiscan-ui.php: Add the Pull request URL along with the raw JSON payload response * LegiScan.php: Add getDatasetList() and getDataset() to LegiScan_Pull, add LegiScan_Bulk to process ZIP datasets, middleware_signal on all object types, correct an edge case in apiRequest() that could save an ERROR response in cache, align default cache time to current standard one hour, expose getURL() and getRawResponse() * legiscan.service: Add LEGISCAN_PATH to PATH * common.php: Add yes_no_prompt() and tidy up some help text * Schema: Add import_date and import_hash to ls_session for dataset tracking 2018-03-27 15:52 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.8 * Schema: Create Postgres triggers to mimic ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP for 'updated' columns 2018-01-09 01:02 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.7 * LegiScan.php: Add missing constraint for SAST cleanup on bill updates 2017-12-26 09:46 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.6 * LegiScan.php: Refactor sponsor code in the update branch of processBill() * config.php: Distribute config.php as config.dist.php to not overwrite live configuation file * General: Documentation updated for copying dist config on initial setup 2017-12-18 11:09 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.5 * Schema: Update ls_bill_sponsor primary key from (bill_id, sponsor_order) to (bill_id, people_id) * General: Documentation updates to Document cache file structure 2017-12-15 18:01 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.4 * legiscan-bulk.php: Skip hash.md5 from public datasets 2017-09-10 00:12 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.3 * legiscan.php: Moved to legiscan-ui.php to prevent Windows filesystem name conflict * General: Documentation updates for new legiscan-ui.php 2017-09-09 15:04 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.2 * Schema: Update ls_bill_history.history_action to TEXT for obscenely long history steps 2017-08-31 12:58 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.1 * LegiScan.php: Add skip_cache parameter to checkExists to by-pass any caching mechanism, corrected typo in processBill for chamber in history step updates of existing bills in processBill, skip executing an empty statement in monitor()/ignore() * General: Corrected copypasta for MySQL database setup loading schema 2017-04-10 15:36 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.1.0 2017-04-09 08:27 LegiScan API Team * LegiScan.php: Middleware signaling will preserve the original timestamp if there are multiple updates between processing sweeps 2017-04-08 17:52 LegiScan API Team * legiscand.php: Add "monitored" update_type support * config.php: Add interval setting for legiscand.php, add vim modeline * LegiScan.php: Add monitor/ignore support functions to LegiScan_Process * legiscan-cli.php: Add (un)monitor/(un)ignore handlers * common.php: Add command line help for (un)monitor/(un)ignore 2017-04-07 14:15 LegiScan API Team * General: Documentation updates and flattened source doc structure to increase online readability 2017-04-04 06:25 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.0.0 2017-04-04 06:20 LegiScan API Team * LegiScan.php: Reformat SQL statements for line wrapping 2017-03-29 21:20 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.0.0-rc2 2017-03-29 19:54 LegiScan API Team * LegiScan.php: Correct static reference Notice under PHP7 in LegiScan_Cache_Memory when memcache server not in use 2017-03-28 20:33 LegiScan API Team * legiscan.php: Remove api_key pull from getConfig to prevent information leak when public/unprotected 2017-03-27 16:00 LegiScan API Team * RELEASE 1.0.0-rc1